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How to Demonstrate Thought Leadership Through Regulatory Insight
Navigating a variable legal framework is challenging, and those who are able to provide policy projections to vertical partners and prospects suggest that they have a firm and nuanced understanding of their industry’s toughest issues.
What Orwell’s Rules for Writing Can Teach Business Communicators
Orwell was fascinated with language. He believed that careless writing would prevent communicators from articulating their true meaning in a way which would actually impact the reader. That’s an issue no less common and problematic in business than it is in politics.
How to Ideate Persuasive Content for Decision-Makers
Since every member of a business’s decision-making unit (DMU) is unique, with distinct roles and concerns, each one will be optimally reached in a different way.
Select Smart Thought Leadership Topics to Get Your Company Noticed
Known also as expertise marketing, thought leadership refers to putting a company’s knowledge and experience on display by giving their audience a free sample. Thought leaders market with solutions, not promises.
A Simple Guide to Choosing the Right Sample Size for Your Survey
Too small a sample, and the results are unusable. Too large a sample, and the company has wasted valuable resources. So how can one tell too small from too large?
5 Ways to Amplify Traditional Media in the Digital Age
Seeing a business’s name or representative on TV will always leave an impression of prestige which seeing them on the internet can seldom reproduce. But for most businesses, that is where the benefit ends.
How to Create a Newsworthy Survey for Your Business
By capturing their existing knowledge in an honest statistic or two, marketers can land their companies in top-level publications and convey the value they offer more clearly than ever.
Razor Sharp is Rebranding; Here’s the Method Behind the Makeover
At Razor Sharp Public Relations, we believe that the brand-image our company puts out—logos and colors—should be an honest reflection of the brand itself—what our company is, does, and stands for.
How to Communicate Empathy Without Risking Litigation
While the lines between empathy, apology, and liability are often fine, legally speaking, gaining an understanding of those lines will empower you to make confident and informed decisions when adversity comes.
Creating Contributed Content, Part 3: How to Maximize Impact with SEO
By following a clear set of guidelines, writers can tweak their articles to adhere seamlessly with the search engines which every day bring content to the hands of the company’s target audience. This, in turn, can make a business’s content more visible, accessible, and credible.
Binet and Field’s 60/40 Marketing Rule: What It Is, and What It Means for Your Company
Binet and Field’s 60/40 rule applies to marketing one of, if not the most important principles in business: short term investment must be kept in proportion to long term investment.
Creating Contributed Content, Part 2: Writing an Article
The six-rule framework given below can not only spare a new author much of those trials and magnify the odds of a contributed article being placed in the media, but can drastically improve the quality and reputability of a company’s public voice.
Paid Contributor Programs: What They Offer, and What They Don’t
As with anything else in business, the best course of action for a given company will always depend on its specific circumstances and needs, and the various pros and cons of a paid contributor program must be carefully considered within the appropriate context.
Creating Contributed Content, Part 1: Deciding What to Write
Deciding what to write is the first step in the process of creating any content, and it also happens to be the most vital.